it's a been a bit since I posted on this blog (Sorry guys, uni life and that)
but my word has things changed since last year. To say it was eventful would be
an understatement.
got a new committee. We got a whole new society. We got new crafts (not just Hama
Beads anymore lads). We even managed to get some new costumes done! It has been
nothing less of roller coaster.
someone who has been a committee member from the start, I can this year was the
hardest one of all. It was almost like starting the society up all over again. All
the other committee members left, all but two of the society members left, and we
had barely any equipment. However as soon as the first semester started up
everything seemed to fall into place. We got a whole new society, a new and
enthusiastic committee, a whole load of new equipment and we had hope that this
year would be good. And it went that way. Although we had a committee member change
over half way through, it did not stop us running sessions and keeping things
going. It just meant that the current society and committee had to work together
to keep things running smoothly until we found a suitable replacement. The way
everyone banded together made me so proud of them.
from committee changes, the society also changed up what they did this year. So
last year was a lot of Hama Beads. We will admit it, we know it was. It was again
until we had the change up. And then the change up really set in. We went from
hama beads to doing shrink plastic badges, sewing sessions, pillows, and even christmas
decorations for a Christmas dinner for the elderly. And that’s just in sessions.
We had pizza socials, games socials, ice cream, movies; even a Maccies social! It
was a big change from what we usually do, and the society seemed to really enjoy
it! I think the best one was the costume social with Alumni Members.
decided that we all needed a little reunion with the old members, so we invited
them back for a little costume session where we showed off our newest outfits.
It was a surprising success! We had people who have never cosplayed before going all out and it was impressive. It's the first time in a long time where we had a full society cosplay session so it was good to bring the old guys back and all have fun with our hobby.
See you next year!
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